Tips for your FACT24 Account (Be Prepared)

Keeping persons’ data up to date to ensure readiness to activate an alarm at any time

The data of persons saved in FACT24 must be kept up to date to ensure an alarm can be activated at any time. To ensure this, contact data for persons to be alerted should be regularly reviewed and updated.

FACT24 offers various options for this process:

  1. You can make changes manually for each individual person. However, this is time-consuming if a large number of persons is involved.
  2. Alternatively, you can perform a contact data management run and delegate the data updating process to the individual persons. All persons involved receive an e-mail showing their personal data and are requested to update their data by a specified date.
  3. The configuration upload function using Excel file format enables new persons to be added and persons to be edited or deleted (the latter two functions must be activated before use for security reasons).
  4. Automatic data synchronisation of your desired system based on Web Services API with FACT24 is included in the FACT24 CIM starter edition (and available for the FACT24 ENS advanced and ENS essential editions for an additional charge). Programming of the interface to your system must be carried out by you or the provider of the system to be connected.
  5. FACT24 offers the option of uploading data in various file formats including CSV and XML via F24’s SFTP server. This feature is available as an optional extra for the FACT24 ENS essential, FACT24 ENS advanced and FACT24 CIM starter editions.  This can also be set up as an automated process, depending on your usual method.
    Contact your F24 representative if you require either of the latter two options.

Check group size in alarms with telephone conference function (limited number of participants)

If you are planning alarms in connection with a telephone conferencecheck the assigned group before you do so.The number of group members should not exceed 30 (Edition FACT24 ENS essential) or 60 (FACT24 ENS advanced and CIM starter editions) because conference connections are limited to these numbers!

Our recommendation:

Make sure the number of group members is below the limits of 30 / 60 so that two emergency teams in your organisation can hold a telephone conference at the same time if necessary.

Assign at least two devices to each person to be alerted in an alarm. This increases the probability of being able to contact them in an emergency.

We want FACT24 to provide you with optimum support in notifications, alarms and crisis management. Security and reliability are paramount in this. We therefore recommend as a general rule that a minimum of two devices are assigned to each person to be alerted in an alarm. This increases the probability of contacting them, particularly in the case of serious incidents.

Select the devices via which the person is likely to be contacted the most easily. Do not forget that emergencies may cause general overload of communication networks, causing many communication channels to reach their limits. This is another good reason for creating and assigning multiple devices.

If only one device is assigned or if the person can only access one device due to device limitation, the “Plausibility:Warnings” information box displays a warning.

Application examples

Urgency Recommended device

Recommended device

Further device (min. 2)

Detailed communication and explanations about the current situation (> 600 characters)



F24 push notification

Information on status changes (< 450 characters)



Telephone / F24 push notification

Emergency team meeting with max. 15 persons


Telephone, alarm with telephone conference

F24 push notification with collaboration room

For instructions on creating a device, click here.

To find out how to create an alarm fast in FACT24, click here.

Running data exports – to ensure your data are immediately available on the alarm servers for use in alarm activation

During configuration of e.g. alarms, persons etc., it is neither necessary nor advisable to run a data export after every change to a data set. However, when you have completed your data modifications you should definitely check whether a data export is necessary.

This is shown by the coloured icons at top right. The icons are usually grey. If they are

  • red (=data export at top Enterprise level) or
  • orange (= data export for the organisational unit you are currently in) 

you must run a data export.

BECAUSE only when data export is completed will your data be available on the alarm servers for use in alarm activation.

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