Changing the SMS Sender ID for single persons
- Create an SMS device with UK number (Sender):

- Assign SMS UK device to person(s)

Release announcements
New functions through FACT24 CIM release V.24.02
New functions through FACT24 CIM release V.24.01
New functions through FACT24 CIM release V.23.02
FACT24 ENS Release Possible Caller ID Verification
New functions through FACT24 CIM release V.23.01
FACT24 V3.1.0 - 2FA for APP Login
New functions through FACT24 CIM release V.22.03
New Alerting Functions on the FACT24 App
New version of SOAP interface (version 1.6)
New functions through release FACT24 CIM V. 22.02
New Functions and Improvements through FACT24 ENS Release
New functionalities through FACT24 ENS Release
FACT24 CIM V.22.01 Release features
FACT24 ENS Release
FACT24 CIM V.21.02 Release features
Previous releases FACT24
Previous releases Collaboration Dashboard (FACT24 ultimate PLUS)
Collaboration Dashboards
What are Collaboration Dashboards (former F24 Crisis Management Tool)?
Where can I create my profile?
How can I arrange my Dashboards in a useful way?
What languages are available? How can I change the language?
How can I create a dashboard?
How can I protect a configured dashboard?
How can I link the Collaboration Dashboards to my FACT24 account?
How can I access FACT24 quickly?
How can I quickly activate a saved FACT24 alarm?
What widgets are there?
Widget Contacts
Widget Rooms
Widget Tasks
Widget FACT24 Alarms
Widget: External websites
Widget FACT24 Online Monitor
Widget Meteoalarm
Widget Twitter
A3M Global Monitoring
TrustCase app
What’s special about the TrustCase app?
How is security guaranteed in TrustCase?
Where can I download the F24 Messenger app TrustCase?
How do I register?
Why do I need to enter a profile name and picture?
Deregistration in TrustCase
FACT24 app
How do I create an activatable alarm in five steps?
How do I create a FACT24 user?
How do I create qualifications in FACT24?
What are qualification-based groups and what can I use them for?
What is the effect of the control mechanism for automated alerting?
How do I create an alarm using the advanced settings?
How do I activate an alarm using the FACT24 web interface?
How can I keep personal data up to date?
How can I create a Message Template?
How do I perform a contact data management run?
How do I perform a configuration download and upload?
How do I create a device?
How do I create a person?
How do I create a static group?
How do I create a message?
Where can I download a status report for an (active) alarm?
How do I know how many characters my SMS has?
Which roles are available in FACT24 ?
What rooms are available in FACT24? What is the difference between them?
Why does FACT24 display a warning in cases where only one device is assigned?
How do I reset a user’s e-mail address?
Why does the message appear that this e-mail address is assigned to a user?
What do I do if I have forgotten my password?
How can I assign multiple devices to a person simultaneously?
What features does the status report offer?
What changes have been made in basic configuration with respect to creating new groups?
What changes have been made in configuration upload?
What has changed with respect to rooms in FACT24?
How is the active status of a conference, person or group identified?
Where can I view the devices of participants in a room?
Where can I view the roles and accounts assigned to a FACT24 user?
What can 2-Way SMS be used for?
Caller ID verification in FACT24
Availability Management in FACT24 ENS
How do I receive information about maintenance work, technical faults and new developments?
In alarm message, HTML tags of incoming e-mail are shown/read
Changing the SMS Sender ID in FACT24
Changing the SMS Sender ID for single persons
FACT24 CIM starter - crucial steps
The FACT24 CIM roles
New Edition FACT24 CIM advanced
Introduction to CIM
Navigation in CIM
Levels in CIM
About Start Page in CIM
About Incident workspace
Edit the incident map
Incident Statistics
FACT24 Alarms in CIM
File archive in CIM
Access reports in CIM
Action Cards in CIM
Task Manager in CIM
Running Log in CIM
Full log in CIM
Search in CIM
Register new incident in CIM
Reports in CIM
The Case Manager in CIM
Incident Boards