Full log in CIM

Click the header Running Log > to access the full version of the log.

Add new log item

  1. On the Function bar in the List view, click  New .
  2. Fill out the fields and select settings in the dialog box that opens.
  3. Click Apply to save the log item, without closing the dialog box. Click OK to save the log item and to close the dialog box.

The dialog box for logging contain the following fields and elements:


Choose which roles (Strategic, Operational, Tactical) this log item should be visible for. You can pick one or more.


Write the name of the person or organisation that provided the information causing the log item. In this field you can use the Automatic text complete functionality.


Required field. Select the date and time when the information was reported, or when it took place or will take place. When you open the dialog box, this field contains current date and time. To select a different date, click the  Date picker button .


Write the e-mail address for the person or organisation given in the Source field. In this field, you can use the Automatic text complete feature.


Write the phone number for the person or organisation given in the Source field. In this field, you can use the Automatic text complete feature.


Required field. Write the subject of the log item.


Write the log item content. This field contains text formatting functions.


Select the respective checkboxes to assign the log item to one or more categories. What categories are available is set by the CIM administrator.


Click  Add attachment to add an attachment (for instance, a document or a picture).

Send message

Select the checkbox Send message to open the dialog box for setting up and sending a message. This will be automatically opened after you have saved the log item.

Save and new

Select this checkbox to automatically open a New log item dialog box after this log item has been saved. When Save and new is selected, the checkbox Send message becomes unavailable.

Click OK to save log item.


Click  to open the search field.

Perform a simple search through all log items by writing in the search field and press enter. All log items that contain the search word(s) will now be displayed in the log list view.

Export to archive

This function allows you to export selected log items from the list to an archive file (.zip file) which is a folder containing:

·  A PDF file with the details of selected log items

·  A folder containing the attachments of selected log items

The export of log items is logged in the System log (only available for admin users). The log item in the System log will show details about the time of exporting, the type of export (Log), incident name, name of the user who performed the export, the number of exported log items and their respective log IDs that was exported to archive.

To export selected log items to archive:

  1. Conduct a search to limit the selection of log items in the List view. This procedure step is optional, but it can prevent errors and make selecting log items easier in later steps.
  2. Click  to enter the dialog box. In dialog box that opens, in Properties, select the respective checkboxes for the additional information:
    • Include front page
    • Include field Export date
    • Include incident name
    • Include field Exported by
    • Include field Number of exported log items
    • Insert page break after each element
    • Include message recipients
    • Header/footer – Select from the dropdown list to include a header, a footer or both header and footer. Select None to omit header and footer.
  3. In the list of log items, select the respective checkboxes for the log items to include in the export file. Depending on you installation settings, some types of log items may be pre-selected:

For log items that have been exported, you can see the date of export and the name of the user who exported.

To omit a log item from the export, reset the respective checkbox. To reset or select all log items, reset or select the checkbox in the list header.

  1. To select all log items that have been exported, select checkbox Select exported.
  2. Click Export to start the export. Depending on your browser settings, you may be asked whether you want to open or save the file, and to select a file location.

Running log - full module functionality

In the quick view in the Incident Workspace, click the header Running log> to enter the full version of the module with a list view and a detail view for each log item.


Access these functions from the function bar and by clicking :

  •  New : Add new log item.
  • : Perform simple or advanced search.
  •  View all : View only the log items registered by you.
  •  View as timeline : The List view is updated, displaying the log items in the menu item along a timeline. The oldest (first) log item is shown to the left and the latest (newest) to the right in the timeline.
  •  Print : Print selected log items and desired information.
  •  Export to Word Export selected log items and desired information to a Word-file.
  •  Export to Archive : Export selected log items and desired information as PDFs to a Zip archive.
  •  Recycle bin : Se all deleted log items and restore them if wanted.

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