Running Log in CIM

Running Log

The Running log is located in the far right column in the Incident Workspace.

Quick log

To generate a quick log item, there is possible to fill in the form directly from the Incident Workspace.

Fill in these fields:

  • Subject: The subject/header of your log entry.
  • Description: Give a brief description of your log entry.
  • Role: Choose which roles (Strategic, Operational, Tactical) this log item should be visible for. You can pick one or more.

Click  to save the log item.

NB: This log item can be edited in more detail with more information in the module view of the Running log. Only the CIM Management, Strategic and Operational roles can add log items. Crisis Staff are limited to just reading the log.

Running Log list view

In the limited view of the Running Log module, as displayed on the Incident Workspace, you can see a list view of all the log entries.

Each log entry gives you different information based on which module it comes from. Each log entry is tagged with the log type in the upper left corner of each log item in the list:


  • Title: The first line is the title of the task. Click this to view further information.
  • Last change: Time and date for when the last action was taken regarding this task.
  • Assigned to: The name of the user and/or the e-mail this task is assigned to.
  • Description: The task description.
  • Status: The status is displayed to the right and can be Not started, Started and Executed.
  • Functions (): Click Details to open the module and see all details about this task log item.


  • Title: Title of the action
  • Last change: Time and date for when the last action was taken regarding this action.
  • Status: The status is displayed to the right and can be Not started, Started and Executed.
  • Description: The action card description.
  • Functions (): Click Details to open the module and see all details about this Action log item.


  • Subject: The title given when the log item was created or edited.
  • Categories: The category set for the log item (Descision, Action taken or Important info
  • Description: The log item description.
  • Last change: Time and date for when the last action was taken regarding this log item.
  • Source: The source of the information in the log item.
  • Registered by: The one who registered the log item in CIM.
  • Functions (): Click Details to open the module and see all details about this log ite. Click Edit to fill in more detailed information about it, if it originally was an quick log item.


  • Title: The name of the task or the report sent as message.
  • Last change: Time and date for when the message was sent.
  • Functions (): Click Details to open the module and see all details about this Action log item.

The log item have different information, depending on which module the message is sent from (task, report).


  • Title: The title of the report.
  • Last change: Time and date for when the last action was taken regarding this report.
  • Content: The report will be displayed in its full.
  • Author: The name of the one who registered and wrote the report.
  • Approved by: The one who approved the report in the document flow.
  • Functions (): Click Details to open the module and see all details about this Action log item.


When an Incident is created or edited it will be logged.

  • Subject: Name of the Incident.
  • Last change: Time and date for when the last action was taken regarding this incident.
  • Description: The information as written in the description field of the Incident when created or edited.
  • Functions (): Click Details to open the module and see all details about this Action log item.


When something is edited in the Incident details module, such as Crisis management staff, Focus area or Meeting schedule, it will be logged in the Running log.

Available functions in quick view

  • : Search
  • : Add new log item with details
  • : Export to archive

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