How do I create an activatable alarm in five steps? Important note about the steps explained below : After completing your data modifications, run a data export (icon at top right). Only when data export is completed will your data be available on the…
How do I create a FACT24 user? When creating new users, as the administrator you can define a detailed authorization profile, with different roles. This enables you to ensure that all users have the authority to take action in line with their duties and responsibilities.
How do I create qualifications in FACT24? Qualifications define specific abilities and skills of persons who can setup Alarms or the configuration of groups. Qualifications can include, for example, knowledge of foreign languages, driving li…
What are qualification-based groups and what can I use them for? With a qualification-based Group there is no explicit assignment of persons, but rather the Assignment of pre-defined skills and skills (qualifications). The creation of qualification-based groups is…
What is the effect of the control mechanism for automated alerting? For security reasons, since December 10th 2020, automated alerting has been subject to a control mechanism regarding the rate of alarms. This mechanism is aimed at preventing the accidental activatio…
How do I create an alarm using the advanced settings? Alarms are schematic illustrations of alarm scenarios (e.g. contingency plans). In case of an event, all relevant persons can be notified. An alarm scenario defines who , when , how and about what is…
How do I activate an alarm using the FACT24 web interface? The prerequisite for the activation of an alarm via the FACT24 web interface is that the alarm scenarios are fully and correctly configured. How to create an extended alarm is explained here. Alarm a…
How can I keep personal data up to date? The data of persons saved in FACT24 must be kept up to date to ensure an alarm can be activated at any time. To ensure this, contact data for persons to be alerted should be regularly reviewed and updated.
How can I create a Message Template? The first steps are identical to those applied when creating a message. The procedure is already described in detail in the article, " How do I create a message? ". In your FACT24, go to "Messages" v…
How do I perform a contact data management run? The function "Contact data management" by employee is available in edition FACT24 ENS essential and higher. The function enables you to delegate contact data management to the respective individual p…
How do I perform a configuration download and upload? The FACT24 configuration download offers the option of saving all configurations of your persons, groups and alarms and your alarm structures on your local system as an automatically generated Excel…
How do I create a device? The choice of devices defines the communication channels used in activating alarms. When an alarm is activated, the selected device types are used to communicate messages that have been saved in the…
How do I create a person? "Persons" is the term used in FACT24 for individuals who are notified during an active FACT24 alarm. It is recommended that the persons to be notified are created before an alarm is configured. To im…
How do I create a static group? Once created , a static group can be assigned to an alarm. A FACT24 alarm can only be assigned to groups, not individuals. Because of this, persons to be alerted by a FACT24 alarm must first be assig…
How do I create a message? You can use the FACT24 Messages function to create messages that are sent or played in the event of an alarm. Alternatively, you can create a "Confirmation" message type, which prompts the alerted pe…
Where can I download a status report for an (active) alarm? You can download a status report with real-time data from the alarm monitor. So you have an overview of all responses you have received so far.
How do I know how many characters my SMS has? When you create a message for an alarm, the “Message text for SMS” field displays the character count for your SMS and the number of message parts it is split into for sending. An SMS can have 160 ch…
Which roles are available in FACT24 ? You can assign various rights to FACT24 account users in line with their responsibilities.These rights are classified in 17 different roles. Multiple roles can be assigned to one user. We recommend d…
What rooms are available in FACT24? What is the difference between them? When an alarm is activated in FACT24, rooms can optionally be opened depending on needs and individual cases. Two types of rooms are available: Notification rooms. Collaboration rooms. What is the di…
Why does FACT24 display a warning in cases where only one device is assigned? The plausibility check function was expanded in the FACT24 2.19.0 release. The service now displays a warning if e.g. an alarm is sent to a group including persons to whom less than one device has be…
How do I reset a user’s e-mail address? When a user e-mail address is reset in future, confirmation of the new e-mail address will be required for security reasons. Fig. Resetting an e-mail address Click " Send verification link " to send…
Why does the message appear that this e-mail address is assigned to a user? Multiple use of a single e-mail address by different users is not provided for in FACT24 for various reasons, including security. We therefore recommend assigning a unique individual e-mail address i…
What do I do if I have forgotten my password? If you have forgotten your password, click “ Forgotten password? ” in your login window. A password reset window opens. Fig.: Login window and password reset Enter your user number or user name. Sele…
How can I assign multiple devices to a person simultaneously? Possible devices for receiving calls, SMS, push notification etc. are created in advance in Enterprise -> Devices. FACT24 now offers the option of assigning multiple devices to a person simultaneousl…
What features does the status report offer? The status report during an active alarm has been expanded. The status report uses tabs for faster navigation. The first tab, “All”, displays all groups with organisational units in the alarm. The fo…
What changes have been made in basic configuration with respect to creating new groups? In c reate new groups , the default setting for “ Conference ” in Basic configuration is now set to “ Yes ”.This is designed to avoid configuration errors. Please note that as previously, the “Confer…
What changes have been made in configuration upload? If a configuration upload contains faulty data, the file containing the faulty data will not be emailed. Instead, a message refers users to the error log for more information.The error log can be fou…
What has changed with respect to rooms in FACT24? FACT24 offers two types of rooms that can be opened when an alarm is activated. Their names have been changed to differentiate between them better and identify them more clearly. The rooms are now ca…
How is the active status of a conference, person or group identified? The overviews of alarms, persons or groups each contain a column labelled “Active”. In future, a “ Yes ” or “ No ” entry ( previously "X" or "---" ) will clearly show e.g. whether a conference is act…
Where can I view the devices of participants in a room? When you display the persons in a room, the column “Telephone number/e-mail” displays their devices. Go to Operating and click Rooms. Then move the mouse to the desired room. A pen icon appears to th…
Where can I view the roles and accounts assigned to a FACT24 user? The list of users shows you which roles and what account type have been assigned to a FACT24 user. Go to Setup and click User. You will find the desired information in the new columns Assigned roles…
What can 2-Way SMS be used for? SMS confirmation of alarm receipt in FACT24 (2-Way SMS). A FACT24 alert often focuses on themes such as potential risks, threats and security. In an emergency, smooth and clear communication in both…
Caller ID verification in FACT24 In this article you will learn how to verify a Caller ID in your FACT24 account. To activate this function, you may need to take action: If you have set an F24 number as Caller ID or simply left this…
Availability Management in FACT24 ENS FACT24 ENS provides multiple ways to manage availability, meaning that a person can be reached by alarms. There is a basic setting for every person on the person's page with the basic configuration,…
How do I receive information about maintenance work, technical faults and new developments? FACT24 users can choose if they wish to be notified by e-mail of maintenance work, technical faults, and new product features. These notifications can be turned on or off (for each user) within the b…
In alarm message, HTML tags of incoming e-mail are shown/read In alarm message, HTML tags of incoming e-mail are shown/read. How to proceed:. Create an e-mail quickstart and set “Text source for variable message“ to “Subject + Text” (subject: 100 chars, text: 1…
Changing the SMS Sender ID in FACT24 In this article we show you how to change your SMS Sender ID in FACT24. This is for example relevant for all UK customers as starting 01/06/23 SMS messages sent using international long codes will be…
Changing the SMS Sender ID for single persons Create an SMS device with UK number (Sender):. Assign SMS UK device to person(s).