New Standby Activation Number & Changes in availability management

Within the course of maintenance work in FACT24 ENS, changes and new functionalities are active after the required data export has been performed.

The most important changes are:

  • New standby activation number to change status via a phone call
  • Changes in availability management

Please find a detailed description below:

  1. New Standby Activation Number

Persons in FACT24 can change their availability status via a phone call. Please note that after the data export being performed after this maintenance work, the standby activation number changes to +49 89 628 258 40.

Please communicate the new number to persons, who are using this functionality. However, if the old standby activation number is called, an automatic voicemail will inform the caller about the new number.

The activation/deactivation of the Standby Status is enabled only if the main Active status within basic configuration of a person is set to yes.

The activation/deactivation via phone process is simple:

  • Once you called the number you shall identify yourself either with your phone number or with your ID.
  • After the identification, you can change your Standby Status by pressing the related buttons on the keyboard of your phone, just follow the instructions in the call.

  1. Changes in the availability management - Standby Status as Separate Parameter

FACT24 ENS provides multiple ways to manage availability, meaning that a person can be reached by alarms.

There is a basic setting for every person on the person's page with the basic configuration, it's the "Active" parameter. If it's set to yes, then the person can be alarmed, if it's set to "No", the person cannot be alarmed (Even though the person might be assigned to a group, which is part of an alarm). The option “No” can be for example used if a person is on long term leave.

In the past, a phone call of a person to the stated number enabled this person to change the Active status from “yes” to “no” or vice versa if the functionality of standby status had been active before. After the data export done (after Feb 6ths 2023), a change of the general active status is NOT possible anymore via this way. The “active” status of a person can only be edited by an administrator with corresponding rights via the FACT24 web interface. With a phone call to the new phone number (see above) persons can still change their standby activity status, but this is reflected in “further settings” (see explanation below).

We recommend that all persons set their status to YES before you perform the data export in order to enable them to change their standby status by themselves also in the future.

If a Persons status is “Active” according to the basic configuration parameter, then you can use the following features (of which only the standby option is affected from this maintenance work) to control in detail this person’s availability:

  • Shift times: inside the shift, the person will be alarmed, outside he/she won't be alarmed
  • Planned periods of absence: during your absence, you won’t be alarmed
  • Standby (new): Via the Standby function a person can change it’s availability with a phone call to the number explained in part 1 of this release news. If the standby status of a person is active, this person will be alarmed, if it's inactive it won't be alarmed. This section is only visible if the person active status is set to “yes” within the basic configuration.

NEW: The standby status became a separate parameter and can be turned on/off independently from the main Active switch. This parameter can be found on the Person's page on the "Further settings" tab.

How will your current settings be changed with the data export?

If a person’s active status was set to NO at the moment of the data export, then FACT24 ENS will

  • keep the Active status at NO and
  • set the newly created Standby (within “Further Settings” Tab) status to Passive.

This will result that this person won’t be able to switch the Standby status via phone call (as it was the case before), until the Active status is switched to YES by an administrator.

If a person’s active status was set to YES at the moment of the data export, then FACT24 ENS will set both Active status and Standby status values to YES.

Therefore, we recommend that all persons set their status to YES before you perform the data export in order to enable them to change their standby status by themselves also in the future.

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